
The bean is such a common food variety that it has a name in every language. Here is just a gist of names used in the English speaking world: Common bean, Bean, French bean, Kidney bean, Runner bean, Snap bean, String bean, Garden bean, Green bean, Haricot bean, Bush bean, Navy bean, Pole bean, Flageolet bean and more. Beans grow in bushes as well as vines. The cultivation of these beans is known to have existed as far as 8000 BC.

The technical name for beans is Phaseolus Vulgaris. These can be eaten immature or when dried. The raw variety is sold canned or frozen whilst the dry variety is sold either dry or partially cooked and canned. They form an important part of diet and an equally important source of protein in Africa, South America and South-east Asia.

In 2010, India was the leading producer of the beans, accounting for a total of 21% of the total world bean production according to U.N. Food and Agricultural Organisation. India was followed by Brazil, Myanmar, China, the U.S. and Mexico.